6 Facts About Human Hair Extensions

We've talked about the benefits of human hair extensions before – they're easier to style and can be dyed to match your own hair perfectly. Of course, natural hair extensions are more than just a great way to add volume and length. Here are a few facts you didn't know about human hair extensions: 1. Human hair is strong. Natural hair extensions are much stronger than their synthetic counterparts. In fact, human hair is as strong as aluminum and can hold up to one-third its weight in water. Can your cheap clip in hair extensions do that? 2. Hair grows quickly. Not only is it incredibly strong, it's also the second-fastest growing part of the human body, next to bone marrow. Hair grows about six inches each year (even more if you have healthy hair and stick to a decent diet), meaning that it takes hair donors about two and a half years to grow enough hair to donate. 3. Redheads have less hair, while blondes and brunettes have the most. Redheads average around 90,000 hairs, while blondes and brunettes have around 140,000. Most people have around 1,000 hairs per square inch of scalp – does that mean redheads have smaller heads? 4. Follicles naturally slope in different directions. Your hair parts where it does because follicles slope in different directions. Your hair's natural slope also explains cowlicks, which occur when follicles align in a spiral. When you're getting human hair extensions it's important that the hair lies flat, which is why Remy hair is what all Milani Hair extensions are made of. 5. Natural hair extensions are stretchy. We're not recommending you try this, but human hair extensions can be stretched about 20% of its total length before breaking. Wet hair extensions stretch farther, about 40 – 50%. 6. You lose between 50 – 150 strands each day. Hair falls out at an astonishing rate – most people will lose around 75 strands of hair each day. Of course, human hair extensions don't shed, making them a lasting way to add length to your style.
    Next time you use clip in hair extensions, think about some of these fun facts. Human hair extensions are not only stylish, they also have an interesting story.


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    Posted: Apr 12 2011
    by: Duck & Cover

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